Living in Harmony
If you feel like something is missing, like you’re struggling with things that are out of balance in your life, then I’m here to help you become the person you truly wish to be, to find healing, wholeness, integration, and a sense of congruence with your values and identities.
What Congruence Offers
Dr. Darren Freeman-Coppadge
CEO/Owner of Congruence Counseling & Psychology, LLC
Counseling & Psychotherapy
Compassionate, caring, confidential, and evidence-based counseling services for individuals, couples, and groups in the Annapolis-Baltimore metro area in Maryland and Eastern Sussex County (Lewes, Rehoboth, etc.) in Delaware. Specialties include LGBTQ+ psychotherapy, multicultural counseling, and therapy related to other identity and relational concerns.
Speaking Engagements
Presentations for mental health professionals, medical professionals, and general populations about health and well-being, including identity development and conflict, LGBTQ+ issues, and psychopharmacology.
Professional opinions on matters of psychology, psychotherapy, and pharmacotherapy, especially regarding treatment for individuals with intersectional identities (e.g., sexual and gender minorities, racial/ethnic minorities, religious/spiritual people, and other marginalized populations).
Schedule a Consultation
Contact Dr. Freeman-Coppadge for a free consultation regarding services offered by Congruence. You can email him or fill out a Contact Form to request a consultation.